//Foto: Julian Zigerli


Mode und Produkt, MAProf. Marloes ten Bhömer
Prof. Axel Kufus
KM Hanna WiesenerStart: Di 21.04.2015, 16-18 Uhr, STR, R309
Alle Lehrenden und BA Studenten sind herzlich dazu eingeladen!

Guest: Kristine Salviejo
Date: Tuesday, 21st April 2015 | From 16:00
Kristine Salviejo studied at Parsons School of Design, NY, and recently moved to Berlin. After her fashion studies the young designer specialized in knitting and founded a knit studio called Para Dys with Giuliana Raggiani. The duo currently offers courses in Berlin and New York. Kristine has experience with a variety of clients, such as Nike, Alexander Wang, Art Basel, and Barney’s New York.

Guest: Julian Zigerli
Date: Monday, 4th May 2015 | From 16:00 (date to be confirmed)

Born and raised in Switzerland, Julian Zigerli graduated from UdK in 2015 before returning to his roots in Zurich to launch his successful label. He was awarded multiple fashion awards, operating nationally and internationally. He is an officially listed brand showing at Milan Men’s Fashion Week. He has further presented his collection in Paris, New York, London, Berlin and Seoul.

Guest: Helen Laura Gimber
Date: Tuesday, 26th May 2015 | From 16:00
Helen Laura Gimber is originally from Britain, currently based in Berlin. She is a surface pattern and fashion print designer who teaches textile technology and gives workshops on the activities of Clean Clothes Campaign. This afternoon she will introduce us to her design work and and her activism.

Date: Wednesday, 27th May 2015 | From 16:00
BLESS is a well-known conceptual brand based in Berlin and Paris. UdK students are welcome to visit their store, known as  BLESS HOME in Oderberger Straße, Prenzlauer Berg. The concept of this shop and residency is opening up to friends and fans who will be hosted by a different resident each period. BLESS HOME is fully equipped with a wide range of BLESS products: e.g. a working bed, printed wallpaper, original wardrobe systems, digital print beddings, a complete fashion wardrobe including sunglasses and jewels… At BLESS, nothing is what it seems to be and this afternoon will give you an insight in their Wunderkammer…

Attention: Limited to 2 groups, 6 students each. MA and BA students can sign up asap by writing an email to