Reish Galeish | Maja Avnat



This project had developed from my views on communities in big cities and current food and consumption habits. I believe that an alternative and sustainable food system for big cities can develop only from a change of life style. The growth based economy is rutted in our life style and is standing in our way to develop sustainable concepts. Many initiatives that are trying to give sustainable solutions for our current life style are fixing one problem and creating another or giving solutions that can not be scaled up to a larger population.

I find that our wish for community feelings in the big city is clinging on the traditional concepts of community that we on the other hand wish to abandon. There for i believe that there is a need to defined new kinds of communities. The basic common part of a group of people in a big city is the shared open space. The open space can be used as a room of action in which new big city communities are discussed, explored and defined.

REISH GALEISH is a project of scores for the open space – Short instructions to inspire the use of open space as a room to define new kinds of communities and question our life style. The scores had been sprayed on objects left on the streets of Berlin and  published in photos of the sprayed scores on Instagram under the name REISH.GALEISH. A number of scores had been performed with different people. The outcomes of the preformed scores are exhibited here.