Julia Läufer
4 December 2017
Room 202, 19.00
During the Wintersemester of 2017/18 the 3rd Semester students work with Digital and the 5th Semester students with Analog Manufacturing, but both emphasize on products for the workspace.
Julia is currently visiting professor for product design at the FHP University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, but she has gained a lot of experience in developing products for work envirionments as one of the founders of Buro Läufer & Keichel.
With her partner Marcus Keichel she works for international companies like Offecct, Zeitraum, Wilkhahn, Lapalma and others focusing on sustainable and innovative industrial designed furniture. Julia will share here experience and speak about the making of Penne Läufer& Keichel’s chair for Lammhults.