Scarlett San Martin of Opendesk
23 January 2018
Room 202, 19.00
During the Wintersemester of 2017/18 the 3rd Semester students design for Digital manufacturing and the 5th Semester focus on Analog production with Berlin workshops, but both emphasize on the opportunities of local and global manufacturing.
Scarlett San Martin has worked at high-end design and manufacturing companies, working closely with skilled craftsmen and CNC machines. She has a deep fascination with the relationships between humans and objects and design that can help to solve social problems.
In the last three years Scarlet has worked for Opendesk in London that is changing the way furniture is made, by connecting customers to local makers. Through digital downloads furniture can be made where and when needed. Scarlett worked o.a. on the Fin lockers and the Vine storage systems.
In the autumn of 2017 Scarlett moved to Berlin to work on a workshop plan for teaching design for CNC manufacture in FabLabs and maker spaces. Scarlett will speak about:
• her experiences with Opendesk and CNC manufacturing
• the backgrounds and set up of opendesk and open source production
• and the links with local manufacturing and opportunities of local manufacturing networks today