SILVERWEAR | Sarah Sekles


Growing older is a fact of life. it involves the loss of several abilities.
One of them being skillfulness.
The hand is capable of executing many amazing tasks such as griping, holding, lifting, etc. many times these abilities decrease in the course of aging. Despite the fact that this is a normal process it is sometimes being treated as a handicap. 

SILVERWEAR is an atempt to preserve the respectfulness of an elderly person.
It is a set of tools designed in order to overcome dificuties with eating tasks in a dignifinifying way. Napkins do not need to be tied up around the neck but can be hung like a kerchief around a sculptural neckpiece witch can be used together with one‘s best clothes.
Conceived to fit together with a nicely set table silverwear is not only to be used while having meals but anytime of the day as well. A support for the knife or fork becomes a piece of jewelry.

Sarah Sekles, 5.sem WS 2017/18
