Marie Akoury

Marie Akoury | 2017 | Bachelorarbeit Modedesign


Memorabilia is based on the interaction of cultural preservation, the elimination of traditions and the distortion of memories. Based on my own multicultural background and my one-year experience in Portugal, my nal collection deals with the outgrowing of a parental home, the self-concept of identity and the conservation of traditional roots. I combined historic Portuguese costumes with classical menswear elements to underline the interaction of old and new silhouettes. The patterns as well as the materials are based on living room esthetics from the 80s and associate to the melancholic characteristics of the collection. Memorablia is a collection for young cultural nomads, who thrive for a new independent existence without ignoring their personal background, inviting to dream about the past and the future ahead.
Wie wirkt sich diese vermeintliche Optimierung auf Bekleidung aus?
Meine Arbeit soll ein Vorschlag sein, die Form von Bekleidung als noch nicht ausgeschöpftes Medium zu betrachten und offen zu sein für multiple Funktionen innerhalb eines vertrauten Systems.

Betreut von: Prof. Wowo (Waldemar) Kraus ,  Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Harms , Gast Prof. Franziska Schreiber

Foto:Kathrin Leisch
Model: Ivan Tomasevic / Pearl Management
Hair & Make-up: Vi Nghiem Tuong