The Revenge of Butterfly | Florian Mathé | 2018



The Revenge of Butterfly | Masterarbeit 2018

 „The Revenge of Butterfly“ ist eine fiktive Fortsetzung der Opera Madama Butterfly. Eine in der Geschichte unterdrückte und misshandelte Figur bricht aus und patriarchalisches System. Die rachsüchtige Heldin; Butterfly vertritt die Figur hinter der Kinoleinwand, die Person, die kämpft.

„The Revenge of Butterfly“ is a fictional continuation of the Opera Madama Butterfly. A character which has been suppressed and mistreated in the story, breaks out. Butterfly turns into a queer and transformative character, taking revenge on behalf of individuals oppressed by a heteronormative and patriarchical system. The revenge seeking heroine; Butterfly represents the figure behind the movie screen, the person who struggles.





Valeska Schmidt-Thomsen, Jozef Legrand