As part of the BA-course Past Present and the MA-course Avant Garde Attitudes (WiSe 2019/2020) a mini symposium in two parts will take place together with designtransfer on 7 November and 10 December, 19:00 hrs
Can we conservate to innovate and can forgotten issues become a present for our future?
A series of talks will highlight a number of themes – Methods of doing, Methods of making, Methods of informing, Methods of living – with a focus on how good ideas can transit into solutions for sensible and sustainable future living. A number of international guests will speak about inspiring cases that we can learn from:
7 November:
→ methods of doing: how did/do we live with natural recources like water and how can design turn ancient habits into innovative future projects?
Speaker: Jane Withers, British design consultant, curator, and writer.
Jane has a lot of experience on design culture and water and how ancient habits are transformed into sustainable projects. She was recently in India where she was involved in Ancient Futures a project on how old habits can be used / changed improved for future living. Jane will present all kind of inspiring examples she has come across over the years on Past and Present.
Jane Withers
→ methods of making: how did/do we make things, how can we do this in the future and where and how do design and science come in?
Speaker: Carolien Niebling, Swiss based award winning researcher and food designer
Carolien studied at ECAL and made the book ‚The sausage of the Future‘ for which she won a number of impressive awards. Her starting point is that a sausage is actually one of the first industrial food that we as human beings produced. In an age where food and meat production is more and more problematic she looks at how the sausage of the future could be.
Carolien Niebling (photo: Marvin Zilm)
→ methods of informing: how do you observe and inform yourself and incorporate your findings and the right knowledge into your design process?
Speaker: Form us with love, Swedisch designers and strategists
Jonas Pettersson and John Löfgren are the founders of Form us with Love and with their studio they design industrial furniture and products. They also set out new strategies for what we DO need as sustainable future projects and they made an issue out of how do you inform yourself and what you do and do not take into your design process.
John Löfgren & Jonas Petterson
10 December:
Speaker: Fernando Laposse, Mexican product and material designer
Fernando Laposse grew up with the community of Tonahuixtla, a small village of farmers and herders. With the support of CIMMYT – the world’s largest corn seed bank – native seeds were reintroduced in the impoverished village. They returned to traditional agriculture but also preservation of biodiversity for future food was secured, and they managed to introduce a new veneer material made with husks of heirloom Mexican corn.