The “Cirucluar Design Rules” are an attempt to speed up literacy of circular design within the design community and producers. It comes as a playful card deck which helps to rethink design processes.
Object to bring: Choose an object which uses “greenwashing” communication.

ON Harald Gründl
Harald is designer, design theorist and curator. He is partner at the design studio EOOS and director and founder of the IDRV – Institute of Design Research Vienna. He is specialized in the research and application of social and sustainable design strategies. 2020 EOOS has founded EOOS NEXT, a social design enterprise Harald co-leads as managing director.
He finished his habilitation in Theory and History of Design at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 2009. He taught design theory as well as design practice at several national and international universities. 2015 and 2017 he was co-curating the Vienna Biennale for Change design exhibitions at the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna on the topic of sustainable design. Since 2018 he has established a doctoral seminar at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna specializing on “transformative design”.
In 2021 he published the “Ciruclar Design Rules” together with Ronja Ullrich. The project was supported by the Austrian ministry for climate protection and is embedded into the “New European Bauhaus” initiative.
KAIROS 23 – A Talk with Harald Gründl
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