Mit Essen spielt man – Emma Mende


mit essen spielt man

a card game about sustainability
This card game is supposed to teach about sustainability and health from a young age. The children can collect their cards when shopping more sustainable and will learn with ease and fun about different aspects like regionality, seasonality and eco-balance. This will provide a new understanding and recognition of sustainability inside the supermarket as well as at home.

When we started the project “Supermarket of the future” I initially thought about the future. In my opinion it is the children of this generation. So if you start with them, the future will automatically look more sustainable.
This card game deals with the supermarket in a playful way and is intended to help a young age understand more about aspects such as sustainability, eco-balance, regionality and seasonality.

The game consists of different cards, the product cards representing different foods of the supermarket belonging to seven food groups. Those being: fruit and vegetables, fish and meat, substitute products, animal products, beverages, dry goods and snacks. In addition, there are attacks on each product card that represent its strengths. These attacks damage the opponent’s card. They all have a certain number of sustainability points. This number of points are composed of their eco-balance but also of how healthy the food is. The other cards are called action cards. These are either booster cards or group cards. Both types of cards trigger different actions and often also have a learning aspect about sustainability. For example, with the “own packaging” card, you get 30 additional sustainability points for your own active product card.

Cards are collected directly in the supermarket. The more sustainable and healthier a purchase is, the more tickets are handed over at the end. To make this clear to all those involved, all products in the supermarket are provided with a symbol. These are small dots that are either green, orange or pink. Green dots are seen on particularly good foods, they generate three points, orange dots are on okay foods and generate two points, pink circles are on bad foods and generate either no points or just one. At the cash register, the cashier receives a visual hint of how many card packs to hand over. For every three points collected, one card pack is handed over. There are three cards in each pack. On the back of each pack is a QR code which shows the game manual.

Each child can collect together with its parents their own deck of cards.
As mentioned, two product cards always duel against each other. In each turn you can play any number of action cards and each turn is finished by a selected attack. In order to write down the score there is a simple table in the game manual which you can easily draw on a piece of paper. Otherwise, all you need is a dice.

Mit Essen spielt man is an easy and fun way to learn about sustainability. The aim of the game is that children in the supermarket might prefer to buy their “heroes” instead of the candy stuff and that due to the visual indication on the product, the green marked also land faster in the shopping trolley so that more cards can be collected. All this leads to a more sustainable shopping.Emma

Mende, 5 Sem. WS2021/22 –


