Cliffhanger is a sculptural wardrobe inspired by a rock face.
Made from black coated Multiplex board, its dimension of 120 by 40 centimeters and a great number of hook like-shapes on its surface, it provides plenty of possibilities to hang jackets, coats, scarfs, caps and bags.
The structure is based on a horizontal wall-mounted hanging system, that provides a support for 6 vertical slats. Each of them is designed after a longitudinal cut of a rock face.
Using Nesting technology , the cnc mill production uses up 96 precent of a standard sized multiplex board (125 x250 cm).
The design process is based on a permanent interplay between the overall visual appearance of the assembled object and the spatial arrangement of single parts on the standard sized plywood sheet. Hereby material efficiency as well as visual outcome are improved simultaneously.
Alexander Luczak, 8 Sem. SS2022 |
Jonas Fehrenbach, 8 Sem. SS2022 |