In the Wintersemester of 2022/23 Students Product and Prozessdesign of the Universität der Künste Berlin deal with What Design Can Do’s ‘Make it Circular Challenge’. The project is run by the Design & Social Context project group led by professor/designer Ineke Hans, assistant/designer Maciej Chmara and visiting lecturer/designer Kubušová.
The WDCD-Challenge focuses on five circular ways of living: What we eat, What we wear, What we buy, How we package, How we build.
In a pop-up exhibition at the Temporary Bauhaus Archiv they present parts of their processes and the results. The exhibition will be accompanied by an evening symposium with young designer Louis Bindernagel, winner of the German Design Graduates Sustainability Award 2022, Vera Sacchetti international curator and design critic, Julian Lechner founder of Kaffeeform and the acclaimed Berlin designer Werner Aisslinger.
The evening symposium will take place on 30 January from 18.30 onwards and will end with a festive opening of the pop-up exhibition.
Temporary Bauhaus Archiv, Knesebeckstraße 1, 10623 Berlin
mini-symposium + opening: 30 Jan 18.30 h, see
pop-up expo: 30 Jan – 8 Feb 2023, see
Extra info:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/udk_designandsocialcontext
WDCD Challenge: www.makeitcircular.whatdesigncando.com
Im Wintersemester 2022/23 beschäftigen sich Studierende Produkt- und Prozess-design der Universität der Künste Berlin mit der ‘Make it Circular Challenge’ von What Design Can Do. Das Projekt wird von der Projektgruppe Design & Social Context unter der Leitung von Professorin/Designerin Ineke Hans, Assistent/Designer Maciej Chmara und Gastdozentin/Designerin Vlasta Kubušová geleitet.
Die WDCD-Challenge konzentriert sich auf fünf zirkuläre Lebensweisen: Was wir essen, Was wir tragen, Was wir kaufen, Wie wir verpacken, Wie wir bauen.
In einer Pop-up-Ausstellung im Temporären Bauhaus Archiv präsentieren sie Teile ihrer Prozesse und Ergebnisse. Begleitet wird die Ausstellung von einem Abendsymposium mit Jungdesigner Louis Bindernagel, Gewinner des German Design Graduates Sustainability Award 2022, Vera Sacchetti internationale Kuratorin und Designkritikerin, Julian Lechner Gründer von Kaffeeform und der gefeierte Berliner Designer Werner Aisslinger.
Das Abendsymposium findet am 30. Januar ab 18.30 Uhr statt und endet mit einer feierlichen Eröffnung der Pop-up-Ausstellung.
What we eat, What we wear, What we buy, How we package, How we build
Vera Sacchetti (Lisbon, 1983) is a Basel-based design critic and curator, specialized in contemporary design and architecture and serving in a variety of curatorial, research and editorial roles. She is currently program coordinator of the multidisciplinary research initiative Driving the Human, and co-initiator of the Design and Democracy platform (2020–). Vera teaches at HEAD Geneva, and in 2020 joined the Federal Design Commission of Switzerland. She will reflect on CIRCULAR IMPACT from a curator and design critic point of view.
Louis Bindernagel graduated from UdK and is the winner of the 2022 German Design Graduates Sustainability Award. From 2018 till 2020 he did an internship and worked as a freelancer for reknown Dave Hakkens (Precious Plastics).
Louis will speak about his graduate project Whole Earth, his experiences at Precious Plastics and being project manager of Re.Works with which he developed a project for Refugees in Greece.
Werner Aisslinger (1964) graduated from UdK in 1991. Since then he dived into themes that are at the forefront of the design discourse; he worked with the latest technologies (Soft Cell, Juli Chair), new interior typologies (a.o. 25 Hours hotel/Bikini Berlin) and explored sustainable alternatives for furniture (Chair Farm, Hemp Chair). Very early in his career he looked at tiny living (Loft Cube) and with the exhibition House of Wonders he looked at potential future ways of living. Since 2012 he has been a judge in the German Bundespreis Ecodesign. Werner will present some case studies, talk about the role circularity plays in his praxis, and share some experiences being a judge in the Bundespreis Ecodesign.
Julian Lechner is a Berlin based designer who studied in Bolzano. He aims to give renewable resources – that would have ended up in the trash – a second life by transforming them into everyday objects and infusing them with a new purpose. He set up the company Kaffeeform with a unique formula at core to upcycle old coffee into new design products. The first coffee cup prototype was made in 2009, but was developed further and improved over and over again. Julian will take us through this process and explain about the design decisions he had to make along the way, to make the concept work in the market.