Tobias, Esmee and Anna on show in TRANSFORM! Vitra designmuseum

Three recent Productdesign graduates are on show in the current exhibition Transform! at Vitra designmuseum.

Energy is the main driving force of our society; energy is political, energy is invisible, energy is omnipresent. All of the buildings, infrastructure and products related to the generation, distribution and utilization of energy are created by human beings. Consequently, design plays a key role in the current transition to renewable energy. The exhibition »Transform! Designing the Future of Energy« shines a light on the transformation of the energy sector from the perspective of design: from everyday products that use renewable energy to the design of solar houses and wind power stations; from smart mobility systems to futuristic visions of self-sufficient cities. What are the criteria for designing an energy-efficient product? How can design contribute to an increase in the use of renewable energy sources? How can industry, government policies and every one of us help to achieve the transition to a sustainable future?

The exhibition features Tobias Trübenbacher’s award-winning graduation project from 2021: Papilio, a wind-powered street lamp that also addresses the theme of light pollution.
On show is also PLUS MINUS 25°C, a semester project by Esmee Willemsen and Anna Koppmann in the Semesterprojekt  Past Present, conservation for innovation

read more  and more and see more below on transform!, PAPILIO and PLUS MINUS 25°C

Transform! – Designing the Future of Energy
Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein
23.03.2024 – 01.09.2024