Results from the Wintersemester project ‚Loved Ones‘ will be on show for a day in the Museum der Dinge.
‚Loves Ones- objects to keep‘ took place under supervision of Guestprofessor Mathias Hahn and Jonna Hille.
It will be open for the public on 27th March 12:00 – 21:00 with an evening event starting at 18:00h. The students will give short presentations.
Backgrounds on Loved Ones….
Longevity is a key issue when it comes to understanding design as a tool for sustainability. In a world of constant consumption, the relationship between people and objects is often short-lived. Products are quickly replaced and many things lose their purpose before they have reached their full lifespan.
– How can design extend the useful life of a product? What role does the emotional appreciation of objects play? How can we delay or avoid the consumption of new goods? Where can design solutions have a positive impact on greater sustainability?
– How can repairability, modification and maintenance be integrated into the design process to make products more durable?
In this winter semester, students of the course Design & Development of UdK Berlin examined various strategies that counteract the premature ageing of objects. These include aspects such as material durability, systemic approaches as well as emotional attachment and narrative elements.
The works on display identify alternatives to existing product solutions and showcase innovative concepts with long-term relevance and use in mind
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27. March 2025 12:00 – 21:00
Museum der Dinge, Leipziger Straße 54, D-10117 Berlin