In this project I collaborated with Manufactory Berlin, this is a smallscale porcelain workshop that creates porcelain for artist and designers. It is also a space where people follow formbuilding and slipcasting workshops. Uta Koloczek founded the workshop in 2010 in Berlin-Wedding. In my project I wanted to use the knowledge that Uta has about formbuilding and showing the traces of handmade porcelain.
The idea of a coffeepot+filter was created by realizing that the broken coffeepot in Room 202 was still being used. When you want to have a break or you are tired and you need more energy, the answer is : coffee. And those situation are often occuring in our classroom.
With the porcelain production processes in mind I started to sketch and built models. Slipcasting gave me the possibility to create a double walled piece. Porcelain gives normally a lot of heat off. What means that it is hard to hold a porcelain cup without a handle. The empty space between the two walls does not only isolate but also protects you from the heat.
Laureanne Kootstra, 7.sem WS 2017/18