Learning Basket Weaving

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A guide by Katharina Sauter

„This semester started while a pandemic was still spreading over the world. We are urged to limit our contacts and it was neither possible to go to university (most of the time) nor to visit the workshops. Basket weaving is what helped me to stay sane in these last few months. Like everyone else I spend a lot of time at home and decided that I want to learn a new craft I can practice without a lot of machines or tools.

In this guide you can see the whole process of how I learned basket weaving and the results of this semester. I included the websites as well as the YouTube channels that inspired me to learn this new craft.The baskets brought me a lot of joy and distracted me a little bit from what was going on outside.

I know a lot of people think „why should I sit there for hours and work on a basket when I can pay someone to do it faster (or have it made industrially) so I can spend my time doing something els?“ But I just love sitting there for hours and hours working on something with my hands, creating something while listening to music. I made a playlist with music I’ve been listening to while weaving.

It gives me SO much satisfaction to hold an object in my hands that I completely made myself. Also for me is doesn’t feel like a lot of time because during this process I am in a flow. I will only realize that I’ve been working on the basket for three hours because my back hurts or my hands are really dry. I can hardly think of anything else that is able to give me this feeling.

I made this interactive guide (there are links included!) for future Katharina in case she will forget what I learned in the last few months. I myself benefited a lot from the basket weaving folk who published their knowledge online so that is why I want to make my guide accessible for more people, too.

If one day were allowed to meet again I would love to start a club, where we can be crafty together and benefit from each others knowledge. Please contact me if you’re interested in participating!“

Betreut durch:
Prof. Jozef Legrand

Seminar: Meine Idee. Mein Projekt
5. Semester +