For all true lovers, of whatever species | Delia Rößer | 2021



Delia Rößer | BACHELOR THESIS 2021 

What if the story about the development of human society was not shaped by the western hero myth, who portrays the human being as an overpowering individual?

Which narratives and objects would result from an alternative human-animal relationship?


„For all true lovers of whatever species“ is a speculative design project that explores the common becoming between humans and animals based on considerations of co-evolution.

In the face of an approaching presence of global warming and geographic changes, the narratives do not seek to stop the unstoppable, but rather to explore being-new-in-the-world.

How can we live with new connections and upcoming challenges?

Three fictional scenarios question the human relationships to different species and the influence on the interrelationships that arise between animals, microorganisms and humans.

What if the narrative of human societal development were not shaped by the Western myth of the hero, which portrays the human being as an overpowering individual?

What narratives and objects would emerge from an alternative human-animal relationship?


„For all true lovers of whatever species“ is a speculative design project that explores the common becoming between humans and animals through considerations of co-evolution.

In the face of an approaching present of global warming and geographical change, the narratives seek not to stop the unstoppable, but to explore newness-in-the-world-ness.

How can we live with new connections and coming challenges?

Three fictional scenarios question human relationships with different species and the impact on the emerging interconnections between animals, microorganisms and humans.



Tessa Meyer
Licht & Video
Niclas Moos
Elias Knorr
Jannik Schneider
Finn Brauckmann
Assistant for everything
Fabian Senk