Juxtapositions (lectures)

Transdisciplinary Master-lecture series (Studium Generale)

Lukas Feireiss
Language: English
Start: 24.10.2022
Attendance: 2 SWS, 2 ECTS

Mondays, 18-20 h, weekly
Hardenbergstr. 33, room 158

from 17.10.2022 via Moodle: https://moodle.udk-berlin.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=1652
Moodle Einschreibeschlüssel / Moodle Enrollment Key: juxta

For more info, see:
juxtapositions UdK

JUXTAPOSITIONS. Perspectives on
Contemporary Cultural Production

In the winter semester 2022/2023, the Studium Generale continues with its weekly JUXTAPOSTIONS series curated and moderated by visiting professor Lukas Feireiss. This time around it is both, an inspirational lecture series on the topic of transdisciplinary contemporary cultural production, as well as a practical and applied seminar in which students from various academic backgrounds are invited to work with one another in an environment of constructive criticism and creative collaboration.

Driven by an understanding that none of the issues, we are facing globally right now, can be tackled by a single profession, nor without the kind of collaboration enabled by technology, JUXTAPOSITIONS promotes a critical discourse across binaries, boundaries, borders, disciplines, norms, forms and protocols. It celebrates the power of cross-pollination, creative entanglement and non-binary collaboration and embraces the beautiful juxtapositions that make up or lives.

Schedule & Guest Speakers:
24.10.2022: Introduction: Lukas Feireiss
31.10.2022: Lecture:  Defne Ayas
14.11.2022: Lecture: Benjamin Alexander Huseby & Serhat Isik (GmbH GmbH)
21.11.2022: Seminar: Group Work
28.11.2022: Lecture: Florentina Holzinger
12.12.2022: Lecture: Lie Ning
09.01.2022: Lecture: Jeewi Lee
16.01.2023: Seminar: Group Work
23.01.2023: Lecture: Samir Bantal
06.02.2023: Lecture Nare Mokgotho & Molemo Moiloa (MADEYOULOOK)
13.02.2023: Closing reflection: Lukas Feireiss

Requirements for the ungraded Studium Generale credits: regular participation, individual reflections for each of the lectures and group work.

Here you find the lecture series with its guests in summer 2022
Here you find the lecture series with its guests in winter 2021/22