VISITING TALK: 17 June, Julia Läufer (Läufer & Keichel) | SoSe 2024

17 June 2024, 17.00u
Room 202

Julia Läufer studied fashion and textile design at St. Martin’s School of Arts in London, and at the University of the Arts in Berlin. She has been visiting professor for product design at the FHP University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, but next to it she has worked mainly in the furniture industry and gained a lot of experience in developing products for work and domestic envirionments as one of the founders of Buro Läufer & Keichel in Berlin.

With her partner Marcus Keichel she worked for international companies like Offecct, Zeitraum, Wilkhahn, Lapalma, Lammhults, Kristalia and others focusing on sustainable and innovative industrial designed furniture.
During the Summersemester of 2024 the Find Your Footprint with with Zeitraum is running. On 27 May Julia will share here experience in furniture design and speak about Läufer& Keichel’s work with Zeitraum, see