HANNAH Friederike Fischer

Hannah Friederike Fischer | 2017 | Bachelorarbeit Modedesign


I love cycling but I do not want to look like a cyclist.
The word Mamil (Middle aged men in lycra) sums up my dilemma in a nutshell: Cycling wear beyond outdoor jackets and neon yellow vests are rare. The Copenhagen Cyclist movement Cycle Chic has coined the phrase “Style Over Speed”, inspired by their ironic manifest for more style on bikes and against traditional forms of cycling wear.
The BA collection StVO is a modern interpretation of bike wear. It examines the relation between fashion and functionality, combining principles of practical clothing with the aesthetics of fashion and thoughtful design.

Betreut von:Prof.  Wowo (Waldemar) Kraus //  Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Harms // Prof. Carolin Lerch

Foto:Jan Kapitän
Model:Eva Luise Hoppe
Hair&Make-up:Vi Nghiem Tuong