Project for:
MA-Modul 1
Kick off: 15 Oct. 10.00u
When & where:
Tuesdays (mostly 14.00h)
Room 204
• Prof. Ineke Hans
• Prof. Mathias Hahn
Anna Britz –
Prof. Jana Möller – researcher in consumer behavior and marketing communication
Important dates:
15 Oct: 1st Input (talk: Prof. Ineke Hans and Anna Britz)
19-22 Oct: 2nd input excursion to DDW Eindhoven (meet & greets)
19 Oct: 3rd Input (talk: Prof. Jana Möller)
3 Dec. 14.00h: Interim Presentation
14 Jan. 13.00h: End Presentation
Many studies show that the best remedies against overproduction and -consumption are:
A: using objects as long as you can
B: sharing objects as much as possible
We share a shower and a washing machine when camping, but in daily life most people have their ownwashing machine, drill, or car.
We used to borrow a lot from each other, but this has changed. Our rising prosperity has gone together with a desire to have everything for oneself, while the amount of stuff that is produced has a devastating effect on the amount of natural resources we need for it.
Especially western societies (incl. Germany) annually exceed in their demand for ecological resources which the planet can regenerate.
Our resource consumption is way too high and globally still rising, with an expected increase by another 60% per year till 2060. If 5 households would use 1 device instead of 5, it would save an enormous amount of production, products and recources.
• What takes us from doing so? How can we get back to sharing and create behavioural change?
• How to organise sharing, getting access to shared products and how to deal with maintenance?
• Which objects make sense to share, can be designed to enable a sharing economy and how?
• How, where and with what can we make sharing more simple, visible, clearer, effective and attractive?
In DARE TO SHARE ! we will explore different factors, challenges, opportunities and ideas at this cross section of product design and a sharing economy.
The project will start with a day of input and talks on 15th Oktober, to trigger your ideas and an excursion to Dutch Design Week to find inspiration and explore possible personal approaches.
The group will develop and present an attractive and inspiring collection of objects, opportunities and/or strategies to support and promote a sharing economy.
For the presentation the projekts are a.o. presented in short 1 min films, or a joint handbook of tools and guidelines to trigger sharing-concepts in A: our closest surroundings (your family, neighbours, Treppenhaus, Kiez, university, or B: wider surroundings (municipalities, businesses, institutions online communities).