DE-FASHIONING EDUCATION – A critical thinking and making conference 15-16 September 2023 I Berlin I hybrid I PRELIMINARY PROGRAM OUT NOW – REGISTRATION OPEN

De-Fashioning Education – a critical thinking and making conference 

Berlin // hybrid


Call for Collaborations

De-Fashioning Education is a call to action as much as contemplation. A collaborative, critical and creative re-thinking and re-making of fashion education. An exploration of different fashion learning cultures.

Education for essential de-growth calls for radically different educational models and approaches: a community of learners who aim to co-create shared and diverse futures, relationships with nature, and with one another.[1]

De-Fashioning Education explores how to bring the learning and practices of fashion into balance with nature’s limits and needs and the equality and well-being of all human beings. An education for being, not only for having.[2]

‘Is the earth’s balance, for which no-growth – or even degrowth – of material production is a necessary condition, compatible with the survival of the capitalist system?’[3] André Gorz, 1972

‘The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility in the academy […] Urging all of us to open our minds and hearts so that we can know beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable, so that we can think and rethink, so that we can create new visions…’[4] bell hooks, 1994


[1] Degrowth / Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung (2014) ’Dimensions of learning for a de-growth society’ Degrowth conference Leipzig, 3 September

[2] Fromm, Erich (1976) ‘Introduction: The Great Promise, Its Failure, and New Alternatives’ in: To Have or to Be? New York: Harper & Row, pp. 1–12.

[3] Gorz, André (Bosquet, M.) (1972) ‚Proceedings from a public debate‘ in: Nouvel Observateur. Paris, p. 397.

[4] hooks, bell (1994) Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge, p. 12


fashioning education is a collaborative research initiative to open, facilitate and formalise the debate on fashion education against the backdrop of global social transformations. 

It brings together experts and creatives from different fields of fashion related education, research and practice into critical conversation and exploration of the transformative potential of fashion. The intiative seeks to contribute to the reflection, networking and reorientation of fashion education that meets the demands of a sustainable, social and conscious future. The three-year project is funded by the Einstein foundation and jointly led by the colleagues of the Fashion Institute of the Berlin University of the Arts Valeska Schmidt-Thomsen, Franziska Schreiber and Renate Stauss. fashioning educationaims to share and interact by a series of annual public events culminating in a closing conference ‘Fashioning Education: A Conference on Critical Thinking and Making’ in Berlin 2023.  

fashioning education is currently shaped by the following members: Berit Greinke (Prof Dr, Wearable Computing, Berlin University of Arts(UdK)), Britta Bommert (Dr, Fashion Image Collection, Museum of Decorative Arts Berlin(KGM)), Christina Moon (Prof, Dr, Fashion Studies, The New School – Parsons New York), Dilys Williams (Prof, Centre for Sustainable Fashion, London College of Fashion (LCF)),  Elisabeth Meier (Prof, Film Costume, Berlin University of Arts (UdK)), Franziska Schreiber (Prof, Fashion Design, Berlin University of Arts (UdK)),Melchior Rasch, student of Fashion Design, Institute of Experimental Fashion & Textiles Design, Berlin University of the Arts, Oliver Ibert (Prof, Dr, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS)), Renate Stauss (Prof, Dr, Fashion Theory, Berlin University of Arts(UdK) & Fashion Studies The American University Paris(AUP)), Valeska Schmidt-Thomsen (Prof, Fashion- and Textile Design, Berlin University of Arts(UdK)), Wowo Kraus (Prof, Fashion Design, Berlin University of Arts(UdK)),  Zowie Broach (Prof, Fashion Design, Royal College of Art London(RCA)), Patrick Presch (Lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin), Tanveer Ahmed (PhD candidate at The Open University).


fashioning education
Prof. Valeska Schmidt-Thomsen, Prof. Franziska Schreiber&Dr. Renate Stauss

Institut für experimentelles Bekleidungs- und Textildesign
Universität der Künste Berlin
Strasse des 17. Juni 118
10623 Berlin

more information/ latest interaction&involvement
