What is the relation between ‘design’ and ‘conflict’? From armed conflicts and environmental strifes, to economic crisis and increasingly socially disrupted societies – what role might design play in all of this? Are conflicts designed?
When observing design emerging in crisis situations – be it the re-use of phone credits as currency, the use of DIY drones and balloons to monitor conflicts zones, or the building of radio-transmitters out of electronic trash: Designing in times of conflict oftentimes involves a high level of improvisation. It exposing things that emerge out of extreme circumstances and are made under strong limitations.
In this one week seminar, we will take a closer look at the topic of ‘design as, against, and in times of conflict’. Bringing together insights from Conflict- and Design Research, we will locate the intersections and exemplify them on real-world examples, and on your own experiences. Drawing on political, local and the mundane personal conflicts that occur in our everyday lives – we will investigate phenomena that link these two terms, and we will carry out a series of methodological experiments that explore the idea of ‘doing a lot with a little’.
Please notice: This course takes place in October, course credits count for Sommersemester 2015.
05.10.-09.10.2015 I 10 -16 Uhr I Straße des 17. Juni 118 I Raum 207
Sprache: Deutsch / English
Teilnehmer: 15
Anmeldung unter:
Dozent/innen: Michelle Christensen / Florian Conradi