Teaching staff:

Prof. Wowo (Waldemar) Kraus

KM Alexandra Börner

KM Magdalena Kohler

For:  3.Semester  (Entwurfsprojekt  Modul 90501)

Room: 409,411,412

Consultation: Monday & Tuesday 10-17am

Project start: 19th October 10.00am Aula

Enrol on Moodle

Some of us do, some of us don´t (believe in an afterlife), but all of us should consider and think about the afterlife of products (garments, accessories, materials…) that we as designers create or use.

This semester we will focus on designing a product’s afterlife during or even before designing the actual product. What purpose will it have after it has been loved, worn or just become unfashionable. How can it be designed, assembled and finished in order to be reassembled again? How should it been handled and maintained, to serve both lives? How can seams, knit, and embellishment be undone and redone to form new garments and products? How can a pattern be more than just a pattern?

How can a soul of a product find another body?

You will be working in teams of two students, one from the 3rd semester and one from the 4th, 5th or 6th semester. Teams are put together randomly.