LB Marjan van Aubel | SuSe 2018

Lehrbeauftragter SuSe 2018 /
Visiting Lecturer Summer Semester 2018


Dutch designer Marjan van Aubel graduated from the Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in 2009, worked one year with Joris Laarman and than enrolled the Royal College of Art in London where she graduated with an MA at Design Products in 2012.
Since than she works both as a researcher and designer of materials and objects whose practice spans the field of science and chemistry.

In a short time she  has done amazing explorations with solar power in combination with furniture, products and architectural applications. She developes new strategies for design and won many prizes in the last years such as Swarovski Designer of the Future Award (2017) (Basel),  WIRED UK & Audi Product Innovation Award (2016), Radical pioneers award (NL), Wallpaper Design Award (2016), Emerging Talent Medal of the London Design Festival (2015). Marjan has been nominated twice for the Design of the Year Award at the Design Museum in London (2013 and 2015).

Together with Designer Engineer Peter Krige Marjan set up Caventou , a company that tries to integrate solar technology naturally into our everyday lives. A project that they currently work on is Power Plant. By combining solar and high-tech farming, they aim to contribute to sustainably feeding the world.

Marjan van Aubel will give a workshop as part of the Power House project and on 8 May 2018 she will give a talk at Design Transfer Berlin.