Vorträge, Workshops, Konferenzorganisation, Kuration & Jurymitgliedschaften | Dr. Renate Stauss



Vorträge, Workshops, Konferenzorganisation, Kuration & Jurymitgliedschaften

· (2021) ‘Dress as Therapy: Working with Dress in Psycho-medical Settings – Between Control, Cure, Care and Creative Play’ conference paper, Curative Things: Medicine / Fashion / Art, facilitated by Leeds Arts University, online event, 12 February 2021

· (2021) ‘Re-Defining Fashion Culture: From Fast Desires to True Pleasures and Beauty’ panelist, 202030 The Berlin Fashion Summit, 22 January, https://www.202030summit.com/

· (2021) ‘Fashion Culture – Think Tank’ invited participant, 202030 The Berlin Fashion Summit, 7 January

· (2021) ‘Sweatpants’ radio interview, WDR, Radio Cosmo, 4 January

· (2020/1) ‘I love it! Werte/n in der Designlehre’ (‘Values and Evaluation in Design Education’) concept, organisation & delivery of two-day professionaldevelopment workshop, Berlin Center for Higher Education, Germany, 25 November 2020 & 22 January 2021 (with Prof Franziska Schreiber)

· (2020) ‘The Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education’ concept, organisation & host of conference, facilitated by The American University of Paris,France, online event, 25 September 2020 (with Prof Franziska Schreiber) https://www.aup.edu/conferences/digital-multilogue-fashion-education

· (2020) ‘Fashion in Times of Covid-19: Chanel, Clinical, Creative: Three Face Masks Show the Complexities of Fashion’ AUP Learning Laboratory, Episode 9, 12 May, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiJyyLluJDA (12.5.2020)

· (2020) ‘Fashion Education: Dimensions, Contexts and Futures’ invited lecture, Annual Conference of the Network Fashion Textile, Germany, online event, 26 September 2020 (with Prof Franziska Schreiber)

· (2020) Jurymitglied ‘Bielefelder Modepreis’ Fachhochschule, Bielefeld, Deutschland, 25. Januar 2020.

· (2019) Hybridity of Method and Theory: Research and Work in the Margins – Fashion & Other Case Studies, co-convenor of research symposium (mit Robert Earhart), The American University of Paris, Frankreich, 14. November 2019.

· (2019) ‘Fashion Education Retreat’ Konzept, Organisation & Durchführung eines zweitätigen Weiterbildungsworkshops für Modelehrende, 30. September–1. Oktober 2019, Gutshof Sauen, Berliner Zentrum für Hochschullehre, Deutschland, (mit Prof Franziska Schreiber).

· (2019) Jurymitglied des Wettbewerbs ‘Transparenz in der Modebranche’ Loveco, Berlin, Deutschland, 26. August 2019.

· (2019) ‘Lost in Reflection: Clothes, Mirrors and the Self’ Konferenzvortrag, The Annual Conference of the Association for Art History, Brighton, UK, 6. April 2019 (mit Lucia Ruggerone).

· (2019) ‘Fashion Education: Learning and Teaching Fashion in Theory and Practice’ Konzept, Organisation & Durchführung eines zweitätigen Weiterbildungsworkshops für Modelehrende, 1. April 2019, Berliner Zentrum für Hochschullehre, Deutschland (mit Prof Franziska Schreiber).

· (2018) ‘Mode & Diversität: Mehr als nur ein Marketingtrend?’ Podiumsdiskussion, Ethical Fashion, Prepeek Powered by Fashion Changers, Kraftwerk, Berlin, Deutschland, 3. Juli 2018.

· (2018) ‘Self-Fashioning: Using Foucault’s ‘Technologies of the Self’ to Analyse Fashion’ Vortrag, Fashion, Culture and the Body, NYU in London, UK, 15. November 2018.

· (2018) ‘Passing as Fashionable, Feminine and Sane: “Therapy of Fashion” and the Normalisation of Psychiatric Patients in 1960s US’ Konferenzvortrag, Passing: Fashion in American Cities, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, 5. Mai 2018.

· (2017) ‘In the Land of Mirrors: Vêtothérapie in France. On Forced Forms of Self-reflection and Image-based Notions of a Fashionable Self’ Konferenzvortrag, Revisiting the Gaze: Feminism, Fashion & the Female Body. Chelsea College of Arts, UAL, London, 28.–29. Juni 2017.

· (2009) ‘La Vêtothèque: Dress Therapy in France’ Konferenzvortrag, Fashion and Food, Annual Symposium of the Research Centre for Fashion, the Body & Material Cultures. Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London, 25. Juni 2009.

· (2008/9) ‘Beyond Espionage: Fashion under Socialism’, Cold War Modern, Friday Late, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, 31 October 2008 & British Film Institute Southbank, NFT, 8. Januar 2009 (co-Kuration with Marketa Uhlirova).