New Sources | Matthias Gschwendtner


New Sources | MA Zwischenstand 2021

We live in a time where forests decrease constantly, while the demand of wood rises faster than ever. According to Peter Dauvergne and Jane Lister’s book „timber“ the global consumption of wooden products has increased by 70% since the early 1960 and will double until 2030. Also heavy storms, wildfires and droughts rise exponentially. To save our forests we need new approaches. 

New Sources is an investigation in producing sustainable products through an implementation of contemporary technologies. In this case I use tree branches as a material source.

The interconnection of 3d scanning, algorithmic modeling, robotic milling and artificial intelligence creates a local production process, that can be applied to various geometries and objects. The waste of resources is reduced to the bare minimum. Branches are used without anymore shaping to celebrate nature.

New Sources is a contemporary homage to Andrea Branzi’s „animali domestici“ from 1985. The furniture collection will be a first application for this newly production process. Through MAKING i will investigate in further applications, that show the potential of both the material and the process.
