EXCURSION: Workweek in Istanbul (TR) | WiSe 2018/19

28 Okt – 4 Nov 2018: Workweek in Istanbul

The Bachelor students of Design & Social Context went for a week to Istanbul. For 6 days they worked on the 6 topics of the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial 2018 working in the actual exhibitions of A School of Schools.
They enjoyed talks, worked together with students from the Yeditepe University, explored the city and the problems that come with rapid urbanization and coexistence of many different cultures.
The workweek was the startup for the New Grounds project that ended with a presentation in Temporary Bauhaus Archiv in Berlin

Impression of the workweek below.


Photo impressions below

visit to WASTE exhibition in  Dutch Consulate

Exhibition of the projects developed during the week

On the way back to Berlin via Sofia (by Orient Express)