What was better in the old days!? | Short Project WiSe 2019/20

Short info project 
for BA 3. Semester, 5+. Semester and MA Anpassungstudium

KM Maciej Chmara


Was war denn früher besser!?
We compare products and production processes of objects during the last 20, 30, 50 years. What are the developments and how do they affect the assembly, repairability and the lifespan of a product. The research allows better understanding of the technology behind products, and its impact on the longevity of the objects you design.

But… What could be the next step? Propose also a concept / principle / design for that step.

4 – 5 Nov: project with Maciej Chmara
5 Nov. 16.00: presentation to Maciej Chmara & Ineke Hans
10 Nov. 18.00: handing in photos & film (as part of inform & research block)

Short term projects:



by Esmée Willemsen, Louis Eager, Madison Bates & Anna Koppmann

Dystopia & utopia of Scales in the future

See full research via this link – SCALES booklet



by Sean Martin-Hamburger, Sheraz Batthi, Paula Schwager, Marla Gaiser  & Tobias Trübenbacher

See full research via this link – COLLAPSABLE CHAIR booklet



by Kimia Amir Moazami, Yannik Rohloff, Chelsea Susilo & Xueqi Huangfu

See full research via this link – DUST BUSTER booklet



by Yule Post, Gabriel Knoop, Hendrik Lucka & Merlin Everding

See full research via this link – WAKE UP booklet