LB Marie Radke | SuSe 2023

Lehrbeauftragter SuSe 2023 /
Visiting Lecturer Summer Semester 2023


Marie Radke is a product designer who lives and works in Berlin, where she graduated with a Master’s degree in design from the University of the Arts at the end of 2021. Her work is characterised by a mixture of humorous and innovative approaches. Observing everyday actions and gestures are an important part of her creative work. In this way, she manages to give everyday objects a new utility value and bring them into focus, and to deal intensively with the topics of society. In doing so, she researches on different levels in theoretical and practical terms and asks questions such as: What actions do we have in our daily lives? What do we actually need? What is the situation in people’s homes?

With her work VOLTA, in which she worked on the topic of home & office with clever solutions for the power socket, she hits the nerve of the time. Her work has been assessed and awarded by an expert jury. She is nominated for the German Design Award Newcomer 2023 and, is a two-time ‚Winner‘ of the Twenty-One Design Competition by the German Design Council and has already participated in several international exhibitions. (in Milan, Lodz, Dubai, Prague, among others). Since April 2022 she is a scholarship holder of the „Creative Prototyping x sustainability“ scholarship of the UdK Berlin, funded by the EU and the Berlin Senate, with the project First Aid Gloves in collaboration with Anna Koppmann. In 2023 Marie is selected to be part of the MONO Germany Design Residency. A new young talent development project by MONO Germany and German Design Graduates.

In the Summer Semester of 2023 Marie is taking care of the design colloquia program of MA Modul 2 and joining them too.
Next to it she is invited as external critic to the final presentations of the BA project one+one=one.