Supermarket of the future | WISE 2021/22

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A project by Design & Social Context 

– 5+ Sem incl. MA anp.studium, max 12 students
– Mon, Tue:  10:00 – 17:00, room 202/203

Prof. Ineke Hans
KM Maciej Chmara

Cooperationpartners / external advisors:
– Philipp Brandts (
Prof. Jürgen Schulz (GWK strategic planning)
Jana Möller (FU Berlin)

Design & Sustainability seminars: LB Dr. Sascha Peters

20 Oct: noon, Kickoff at DDW Eindhoven (NL)
26 Oct: expert talks + forming themes & teams
15 Feb: team presentations IPP/GWK incl. products, strategies & communication



We develop new sustainable designs, packaging, concepts and strategies for the supermarket (food, liquids, objects) and make those work in daily life (no niche areas) aiming for a high impact.

We start with an introduction run by Philipp Brandts (Supermarket of the Future) and various experts on packaging storing and supermarkets and we look into how you can you implement those new strategies and products.

Concerning the strategy and communcation part we work together with strategic communication planners (UdK/GWK class Prof. Jurgen Schulz) and is supported by Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg 

For Product Design Students the course includes
• an excursion to to Dutch Design Week 2021 with meets & greets
• the wednesday seminars Design & Sustainability by Dr. Sascha Peters

An UdK/GDG talk by Amelie Klein (design writer, critic and curator of exhibitions such as ‘The Politics of Design’ at vitra dsign museum and Heimaten in MKG Hamburg) in the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin on 10.10.2022 is also advised.

Participants: Alina Seegert, Anton Oberlander, Emma Mende, Gloriana Valverde, Jin Jing, Jonas Fehrenbach, Laura Laipple, Luca Ortmann, Lukas Henneberger, Luke Deighton, Marek Asamoah, Maria Salamanca Milan, Max Hausmann, Paula Schwager, Peer Alexander Alsmann, Tim Schütze, Yuhang Han